
The Wesley Brotherhood

"Our Men's Menistry, The Wesley Brotherhood, completed two wheelchair ramp projects this past Saturday, May 18th. The weather was very hot and the work was intense. But God was glorified through the service and the recipients were blessed as were the men involved. Each recipient was presented a Bible and prayed over once the projects were complete. It was such a wonderful experience for all involved. We will not be having any projects during the summer due to the heat and the dangers of working in it. But we will start some projects back up in the fall. We hope more and more men can get involved. Thanks to all of those who gave their time and service to glorify God and spread His love, mercy, and grace. Blessings." Larry Dorman

Pentecost Sunday our youth and graduates led worship and gave testimony to the power of Jesus Christ and His church in their life! 
We were blessed to host our community Baccalaureate as well where our youth continued to lead in worship. Thanks be to God for the Holy Spirit's movement in the next generation of Christians leading with humility and Thanksgiving for Jesus!

Ladies' Tea and Girls Tea Party