
We use Flocknote to communicate any special meeting information for these ministry groups. Sign up here or text HARLINGEN to 84576 and follow the prompts. You will have the option to opt-in for church-wide notifications & also the individual ministry groups.

Adult Sunday School - 10 am - 11 am 
2 Classes Available:

  • The Matthew Bible study will resume by picking up with Chapter 24. All adults welcome. Location: Pletcher Parlor (1st Floor of Education Building) - Taught by Pastor Jet
  • Class meeting for parents of youth & children, as well as young couples or single adults.  Location: Upstairs Education Building - Taught by David Day & Rocio Hoeflinger

Our Upstairs Education Building is accessible by entering the stairwell that is right outside the door of our Church Office. The Education Building faces Harrison Street and our courtyard is right in front of it.  

Wednesday Night Dinner & Discipleship
 5:45-8pm in the Raimond Christian Center (RCC) - Entry through 4th Street - 
Click here to learn more

Senior Adults
Currently meeting every 3rd Thursday of the month in the Fellowship Hall for Lunch & Bingo at 12pm. 

Mom’s Bible Study
We welcome mothers (and those expecting!) that have children of all ages to join us for Bible Study and fun fellowship! We meet in the Pletcher Parlor every Wednesday at 6:00 pm (you may drop your children off as early as 5:30 pm in our nursery located in the Fellowship Hall - entry off 4th street).  
What you will find:

  • A group of friendly women who are striving to support and pray for one another in the challenging and rewarding roles of motherhood.
  • We have open, non-judgemental conversations and discuss topics that are relevant to parenting, marriage, life, and faith. 
  • We read the Bible and contemporary studies that are related to parenting, but will also have other faith-based subject matter, too.
  • We love to laugh, have fun, share stories, and be a special part of the FUMC community. Moms are important, YOU are important, and we hope to see you at our next meeting!

Wesley Brotherhood
A group of men from FMC have launched the Wesley Brotherhood and are welcoming men of all ages to join! This group will be meeting monthly, every first Saturday of the month for breakfast, worship and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall. At most meetings we will incorporate a service project for those who are willing and able. Don't let that discourage you from coming if you are unable to participate in any project! Please join us for the fellowship and worship. 

Co-Ed Softball Team
For ages 14 & up. More information will be published closer to the season we’ll be playing in. Join them on Facebook if you're interested in playing or would just like to come out and show your support!