Wesley Nurse and Counselor

Wesley Nurse - Irelia Rios

We are fortunate to have Irelia Rios onsite at FMC Harlingen. A Wesley Nurse is a faith-based community nurse that uses a holistic approach - mind, body, and spirit - to help the community in many ways, such as free services that encourage a healthy lifestyle to all members of the community. 

Programs and Services Include:

  • Health education
  • Individualized diabetes education
  • Diabetic supplies
  • Referral assistance
  • Facilitation of resources
  • Exercise classes

Please call to schedule an appointment. Kindly leave a voicemail message if she doesn't answer as she may be in a session; however, she will return your call once available.

Phone: 956-423-0540 ext. 140


Email Irelia

Wesley Counselor - Jonathon Ybarra

We are fortunate to have Jonathan onsite at FMC Harlingen. Methodist Healthcare Ministries' Community Counseling Services are designed to help people who are uninsured, whose existing coverage does not provide mental health service benefits, are low-income and lack the money to pay for counseling services, or who would not receive treatment any other way. 

How it works

Counseling services are provided by trained, licensed professional counselors and social workers in local churches and community sites (such as our FMC Harlingen site with Jonathan). A first meeting is free. A modest fee based on a sliding fee scale is collected for each follow-up session; however, no one is denied service because they cannot pay. 


Each session is private. What is talked about is between the counselor and the client.

Please call to schedule an appointment. Kindly leave a voicemail if he doesn't answer as he may be in a session; however, he will return your call once available. 

Phone: 956-465-9781

To find additional counselors in your community: Visit MHM