Seasonal Ministry

Below are some of our primary seasonal serving opportunities where you are welcome to participate and serve! The best way to be notified of when these occur is to make sure you are signed up for Flocknote (the church's communication tool that includes our email newsletter and text messaging options).

FMC Pumpkin Patch

The First Methodist Church's Pumpkin Patch is an annual fundraiser held every October & our 20th Patch Anniversary will be in 2024! Proceeds from our Pumpkin Patch go to support the Quentin Hale Scholarship Fund, Backpacks for Kids program in our community and our Journey Preschool Ministry.  A semi truckload of pumpkins arrives just in time for fall each year, carrying pumpkins of all shapes, sizes, and colors! The patch boasts unique and festive decor -- inviting families and friends to join around the pumpkins for photographs to cherish memories of fall. Along with many photo opportunities and fun activities, we also hosts field trips for local schools & homeschool groups where guests are provided with a special Pumpkin Patch story time and activity. Field trips must be scheduled in advance. Please call 956.423.0540 or email: for details. Our Patch Facebook page is also updated with activities in October. There are many opportunities to serve in the patch from unloading pumpkins to being a greeter or cashier. Links for these activities will be published closer to October. 

Community Thanksgiving Meal
On Thanksgiving Day, we will be hosting our Annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner. The goal for this dinner is to provide a home-cooked, sit-down, family-style meal for the needy in our community to allow them to celebrate the holiday. If you are interested in helping, you may come and join us -- we'd love to include you! Some of the most effective work we do at this dinner is the simple conversation around the table. Come join us to share the love of Jesus Christ, something we can all be thankful for!

Angel Tree
Every December, our church is provided with a list of children from local schools with their needs. Our members generously sign-up to purchase items for the children and bring them to the church by a certain date. Sign-up lists for next year will be available in Sanctuary by the Christmas tree. 

College Care Packages
College Care Packages  are sent to members of our church or the children and/or grandchildren of members of our church twice a year, in the spring and fall. The care packages include gift cards for pizza and coffee and are sent in a card that has a personal message from our pastor letting them know that they are being prayed for as they prepare for and take their final exams. As for ways that a person can help, monetary donations are always welcome to help fund this ministry. Thank you for your generosity and supporting our college students!

Teacher Appreciation Week
Honoring the teachers in our community is an important outreach here at FMC Harlingen. We recognize the hard work and dedication these individuals make in children's lives and we want to show how much we appreciate them! During Teacher's Appreciation Week, our church will ask for volunteers to sign-up for a local school to help serve refreshments and food and/or baked goods. Additionally, you may also contribute to the items served if you're unable to attend. Thank you for your generosity serving! Our newsletter and Event page will have links to sign-up for schools and/or food and drink donations closer to April/May.